16 April 2010

Day 2 - Roncesvalles - Zubiri

i forgot to mention 2 important numbers in the english thread: my hair is 12 mm and my bag is 7 kg. Oh yess! I´m very proud as with the bag, i have 10% extra on my back, which is awesomely ideal.

Not to me, it seems :( My knees can´t take the extra weight so they are a bit erm fucked. Both, so i am doing an experiment: on my right knee, there is a knee support (i got it from my heroes, who later today also collected my socks that fell off my bag where i was drying them) and pain killer (failed as such) and anti-swollenness making strips, on my left knee there is nothing. Both are equally bad now, we´ll see in 3 days.

Today´s etap was beautiful too: all sunshine and forest and birds and bells on cows and horses - i was grateful for the earth that i didn´t have to walk on pavement and i was not grateful for the steep downhills. Besides, everybody overtook me, including 60+ fresh pilgrims... Poor Agi. Luckily, this is not a race :P Not to me either, ehm...

Oh and in the morning, i left the albergue first before 6 am and walked through a forrest under the stars - quite something that was and i tried not freaking that i´m all alone in the forrest with only dogs around. In the end of the forrest, there was a cross and a sign saying that there were witches active in this forrest in the old days. And i was happy the sign was not on the other end of the forrest :P

All in all, a lovely day with a bit of pain.


  1. hehe, funny... my paranoia would keep telling me that the witches ARE still there hehe...and my imagination would find sings EVERYWHERE proving this... :)

  2. well, the witches are in Larrasoana :)
