01 May 2014

A few days later

We had barbeque last night - amazing food, courtesy of the 5* chef, Uncle and his 3 helpers: chicken burger, chicken wings, spring rolls, fish, prawn followed by pineapple fritters with maple syrup. The food is absolutely amazing here, not just because it's free (well, included in the price of the programme) and is presented beautifully but because it's delicious and varied. I do love my food and as they say, you put on a stone while you're staying in Sri Lanka - i certainly will put on at least 3.

Favourite things today:
- Sri Lankans are convinced that Nokia is Hungarian and they all have Nokias and all they all love their Nokias = good things come from Hungary, yay!
- considering the amount of dogs everywhere, including lying on the road in the middle of traffic, I noticed today that I have not seen dog poop or run over dogs, yay!
- Tata buses for they look old school and bad ass and they haven't run me over yet.
- Discounts to be reaped for working in the hospital - there are tourist prices and volunteer prices. We are the better-respected tourists \o/
- An "Angrey Bards" T-shirt with a remotely Angry Bird looking picture on it. Love knock-offs. As far as knock-offs go, a guy at the market where I browsed shauls and scarfs offered "Levis, Lacoste, Adidas for boyfriend". I politely declined at this time, however Boyfriend should let me know if he would like any.

- umbrellas! Because the footpaths are barely wide enough for one person to walk on them + Sri Lankans are tiny compared to me, I'm constantly freaked out that one of them will take my eye so I walk among Tata buses and tuk-tuks.
- Diesel fume. I'm losing lung cells by the millions every hour I spend outside, I'm sure.

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