In a nutshell: Poya means full moon and Buddhists celebrate the full moon every month in Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka (and I'm guessing other Buddhist countries too). Vesak is the day of birth, enlightment and death of Lord Buddha and on Vesak Poya (always the poya in May) many people gather up in groups in towns and by the side of the road and offer free food and / or drink to people for good karma.
The towns are full of lanterns hanging and placed everywhere, also some floating ones on Kandy lake for example. Many people, including the good men in our house, make the lanterns themselves from bamboo and rice paper.
Diohejban: a Poya teliholdat jelent, es a buddhistak minden honapban megunneplik a teliholdat Thaifoldon, Kambodzsaban, Myanmarban, Sri Lankan (es felteszem a tobbi buddhista orszagban is). A Vesak Buddha szuletesenek, megvilagosodasanak es halalanak napja es mint olyan, eleg jelentos. Vesak Poya napjan (a majusi telihold idejen) sokan osszegyulnek az ut menten, varosokban es ingyen etelt / italt ajanlanak mindenkinek jo karmaert cserebe.
A varosok tele vannak lampasokkal, mindenhol lognak es pl Kandy tavon is uszott nehany lotuszvirag-lampas. Sok helyen, pl a mi hazunkban is, az emberek maguk keszitik a lampasokat bambuszbol es rizspapirbol.
The process / a folyamat:
Pictures from around Kandy / kepek Kandybol:
children singing on a truck / gyerekek enekelnek egy kamionrol |
Vesak dinner / Vesak vacsi |
Many families travel on trucks / sok csalad teherautorol elvezi a fesztivalt |
Lotus lanterns on the lake / lotusz lampasok a tavon |
Temple of the Tooth / Fogtemplom |
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