Another wonderful day with Indra's family. We went to Yapahuwa, a ruin lesser known to foreign tourists as it's smaller Anuradhapura and it's only one temple ruin with a rock behind. I also experienced how it feels to be Angelina Jolie or a rock star or something... People kept looking at me, trying to talk to me but too shy to actually do so and they were taking sneaky photos of me when they thought I couldn't see :D It was very funny and a bit surreal, why should I be quite so interesting? I guess it becomes tiring if people do this every day, but for a day, it was good to be a star!
Meg egy csodalatos nap Indra csaladjaval. Yapahuwaba mentunk, ami egy kulfoldi turistak altal kevesbe latogatott latvanyossag - kisebb, mint Anuradhapura, itt csak egy templom romja talalhato, ami viszont egy sziklara epult. Itt azt is megtapasztaltam, milyen lehet Angelina Jolie-nak lenni vagy valami hires rock sztarnak... Rengetegen megbamultak, probaltak beszelni hozzam, de ahhoz tul felenkek voltak, suttyomban fotokat keszitettek, amikor azt hittek, nem latom :D Nagyon vicces volt, meg egy kicsit szurrealis, mert mitol lennek en akkora szam? Gondolom egy ido utan ennyi figyelem faraszto lehet, de egy napra jo volt szupersztarnak lenni!
This day was Vesak Poya; Poya means full moon day, it's a special day in Buddhism. Vesak is the day of the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha, therefore it's of special importance. On many locations people give free food (rice & curry, ice cream!) and drinks (tea, coffee) to people who would like them. There are long queues usually. The reason for giving is to donate and improve one's karma. I'll have a separate post for Vesak Poya pictures.
Ez a nap a Vesak Poya napja volt; a Poya teleholdat jelent, ez a buddhizmusban jelentos. A Vesak Buddha szuletesenek, felvilagosodasanak es halalanak napja, igy kulonosen jelentos. Sok helyen ingyen etelt (currys rizst, jegkremet!) es itals (teat, kavet) osztanak mindenkinek, aki elfogadja. A legtobb helyen oriasi sorok allnak. Az adakozas lenyege az ember karmajanak javitasa. Kulon posztba felteszek Vesak Poya kepeket.
I took a lot of pictures...
Csomot fotoztam...
golden tree / aranyfa |
temple window / templomablak |
before the first steps / az elso lepcsok elott |
second set of steps / masodik lepcsosor |
Chinese Dragon / kinai sarkany |
halfway up the rock / feluton a sziklara |
more than halfway up / felut utan |
the top of the rock / a szikla teteje |
taking photos / fanykepezunk
Gyogyteat adnak minden arra jaronak / they give herbal infusion to everyone |
sweets / edessegek |
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