28 May 2014

Temple of the Tooth / Fogtemplom

Kandy is a significant Buddhist centre due to the worshipped relic, Buddha's tooth, being guarded in this city. Normally it's quite expensive to visit the temple but some volunteers can go in for free; it so happened that at 5:30 am they thought I was one of those volunteers so I was allowed in at the local price, nada. I liked the temple twice as much.

Kandy jelentos buddhista kozpont, mert itt orzik Buddha fogat, ami az egyik legfontosabb buddhista ereklye. Altalaban viszonylag draga bejutni a templomba, de nehany onkentes ingyen mehet be; ugy esett, hogy reggel fel 6-kor azt hittek rolam is, hogy egy ilyen onkentes vagyok es igy a helyi arat fizettem, nullat. Igy ketszer annyira tetszett a templom.

temple / templom

entrance / bejarat

ceiling / plafon

offerings / felajanlas Buddhanak
drummers / dobosok

column with carving / faragott oszlop
bejarat szerzeteseknek / entrance for monks

burners / gyertyak

templomudvar / front garden of temple

week 4 / 4. het: saree / sza'ri

Ez egy kicsit kellemetlen ekezetek nelkul, de a lenyeg, hogy volt rajtam sza'ri :) Mikor megkerdeztem, hol tudnek a varosban felprobalni sza'rit anelkul, hogy meg kene vennem, a kedvenc kollegaim felajanlottak, hogy hoznak be ok nehanyat es fel is adjak majd. A meret nem problem, a sza'ri gyakorlatilag egy hosszu anyag, amit trukkosen megkotnek ugy, hogy szep legyen. A felsoresz pedig nincs osszevarrva, elol biztostukket tartjak ossze, hogy jo legyen a meret. Ha valakinek a karja es / vagy mellkasa sokkal kisebb vagy nagyobb, akkor gyorsan atalakitjak tuvel-cernaval.
2 sza'rit hoztak be, az egyiket sri lankai modra kotottek meg (a pirosat - a szoknya resz be van turve egy madzagba es fodros a derek korul), a masikat pedig indiai modra (a keket - a szoknya elol van osszehuzva, hogy passzoljon es ettol szerintem noiesebben nez ki es nincsenek fodrai). Nagyon tetszett nekik, hogy feloltoztem sza'riba, igy masfel orat rajtam volt, a gyogytornasz osztalyra is igy mentem be, bar beteg mar nem nagyon volt :)

I had a sari on :) 2, in fact. I asked my colleagues where I could try on a sari without having to buy it, so they offered to bring some in for me! Even though they all are a half foot shorter than me, the skirt is basically a long material that is fixed in a way to fit everyone of different sizes and the top (called a jacket) is open in the front, held together by safety pins to match the size. If someone is much smaller or bigger, they aptly adjust the size with thread and needle.
They brought in 2 sets - the red one was done in the Sri Lankan way (the skirt tucked into a rope around my waist), the blue one was styled in the Indian way (simpler and more mature looking in my opinion). They were all very happy to see me wearing a sari, so I had it on for an hour and a half, went into the department like that - most patients were gone by then!

Kandyan style / Kandy stilus

With the other students / A masik harom diakkal

Indian style / indiai stilus

Indian style / indiai stilus

3rd weekend / 3. hetvege: Dambulla & Sigiriya

fruit market in Dambulla / gyumolcspiac Dambullaban

The Golden Temple / Az Aranytemplom

A tree made for climbing / Maszasra teremtett fa

Monkey / Majom

There be elephants / Itt elefantok vannak

Dambulla Cave Temple / Dambulla Barlangtemplom

Dambulla Cave Temple / Dambulla Barlangtemplom

Dambulla Cave Temple / Dambulla Barlangtemplom

Dambulla Cave Temple / Dambulla Barlangtemplom

Monkey with King Coconut / Majom kiralykokusszal

Monk statues lining up for the Golden Buddha / Szerzetes szobrok az Aranybuddha elott sorakozva

Sigiriya, the Lion Rock / Sigiriya, az Oroszlanszikla

Elephants roarming after 6 pm / Elefantok este 6 utan

3rd week / 3. het: botanical garden / botanikus kert & Giant Buddha / Orias Buddha

One afternoon a few of us went to the botanical garden, had a lovely time: running on the grass, having a lime juice / buffalo curd, climbing trees, people taking pictures of us on the tree, watching monkeys carry their little ones around and also saw a wedding photo shoot.

Egyik delutan nehanyan elmentunk a botanikus kertbe es nagyon jol szorakoztunk: rohangaltunk a fuben, lime juice-t es bolenyjoghurtot ittunk, fara masztunk, neztuk, ahogy a majmok cipelik a kicsi majmokat es egy eskuvoi fotozast is lattunk.

Penteken a korhazban tartottam ket eloadast, az elsot Magyarorszagrol (gyogytornaszok Mo-n), a masikat egy kezelesi technikarol (neurodinamika).
On Friday I did two presentations to the staff, one about Hungary (and physiotherapt in Hungary), the other one on a treatment technique (neurodynamics).

And we went to see the Giant Buddha in Kandy, who sits on a hill. There is a temple underneath the statue and many monks live up here.
Es felmentunk az Orias Buddhahoz is Kandyben, egy domb tetejen ul. Van egy templom is a szobor alatt es egy csomo szerzetes lakik itt.

3rd week / 3. het: Vesak poya

In a nutshell: Poya means full moon and Buddhists celebrate the full moon every month in Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka (and I'm guessing other Buddhist countries too). Vesak is the day of birth, enlightment and death of Lord Buddha and on Vesak Poya (always the poya in May) many people gather up in groups in towns and by the side of the road and offer free food and / or drink to people for good karma.

The towns are full of lanterns hanging and placed everywhere, also some floating ones on Kandy lake for example. Many people, including the good men in our house, make the lanterns themselves from bamboo and rice paper.

Diohejban: a Poya teliholdat jelent, es a buddhistak minden honapban megunneplik a teliholdat Thaifoldon, Kambodzsaban, Myanmarban, Sri Lankan (es felteszem a tobbi buddhista orszagban is). A Vesak Buddha szuletesenek, megvilagosodasanak es halalanak napja es mint olyan, eleg jelentos. Vesak Poya napjan (a majusi telihold idejen) sokan osszegyulnek az ut menten, varosokban es ingyen etelt / italt ajanlanak mindenkinek jo karmaert cserebe.
A varosok tele vannak lampasokkal, mindenhol lognak es pl Kandy tavon is uszott nehany lotuszvirag-lampas. Sok helyen, pl a mi hazunkban is, az emberek maguk keszitik a lampasokat bambuszbol es rizspapirbol.

The process / a folyamat:

Pictures from around Kandy / kepek Kandybol:

children singing on a truck / gyerekek enekelnek egy kamionrol

Vesak dinner / Vesak vacsi

Many families travel on trucks / sok csalad teherautorol elvezi a fesztivalt

Lotus lanterns on the lake / lotusz lampasok a tavon

Temple of the Tooth / Fogtemplom