06 May 2010

El Acebo (EN)

Today was fabulous. I had expected hell today: snow, cold, wind, long ascent, steep descent, horrible blisters, aching knees - and what happened was: beautiful weather, even warm, easy ascent to 1600 m, fresh air and nature, nature, nature.
I was losing my willingness to finish the Camino, i could imagine i'd just get on the bus and go to Santiago, to the airport and to David and i'll be happy that i walked as much as i walked, it was so worth it and it was enough. But today i'm so full of energy again, it's amazing. My blisters don't hurt, my lips healed (the cold wind and sunshine tore the skin to bits), my spirits are high :) Happily walk to the ocean! I think it's due to the fact that there were hardly any roads and hardly any cars and we walked in crispy, clear air, undisturbed sunshine and surprising warmth.
We reached Cruz de Ferro today, the Iron Cross where according to the tradition you leave a stone and with it, you leave your chosen worry or problem behind. I took a stone up in Foncebadon, the village before the Cruz, walked up to the huge pile of stones and tossed the stone away but the Canadian girl for example brought a little stone from her favourite place in Canada.
I felt quite emotional on the top of this huge pile of stones that pilgrims from the last centuries (?or maybe not that long) have left behind and not just stones: coins, photographs, ribbons, painted and carved stones...
The albergue in El Acebo is a great, it's parroquial, we have dinner and breakfast together.

My flight will be on 20 may if the volcano permits...


  1. Thats a cool idea. Load your stone with everything you want to leave behind and then throw it away! I will practice it here (take one stone in front of the house and throw it out in the city) so I know how to load it with my worry and get rid of it for when I decide to do Camino, too! :)
    Sounds like something the Budhist monks would propagate?

  2. Hello!

    En is uton vagyok most, epp Burgosban a konyvtarbol netezek. Nekem itt van blogom:


    sajnos nincs annyi idom, hogy olvassam, merre jarsz, de ha elottem vagy, Hola es udvozlet, ha mogottem, akkor meg egyet se felj, torom neked az utat! :)))

    Szoval, Buen Camino! :)
    Ha tudsz, uzenj a blogomon. Zita
