For my last weekend I went to the East coast to enjoy the sunshine, the shade under palm trees and the warm, clean Indian Ocean. I was going to do whale watching as well, but they had very small boats and I heard nothing but sea sickness stories of whale watching in small boats so I decided to go snorkelling instead. No regrets, it was beautiful to snorkel around rocks and see colourful fish, sea stars and the odd coral; most of the coral around here is dead so it's not the best of the best places to snorkel but i really enjoyed it.
My room was on the beach, a few steps away from the ocean and we could use the neighbour gueshouse's lounging thingies as well (see picture below). I watched the sunset in the mornings and at night went to the water, dipped my hand in it and as I moved it, a thousand sparkles followed my hand - planktons :) And the clear sky with the stars above - it was the most peaceful time I had in Sri Lanka.
Az utolso hetvegen a keleti partra mentem, hogy kielvezzem a napsutest, az arnyekot ado palmafakat es a tiszta, kellemes Indiai oceant. Ugy terveztem, hogy balnakat is nezek majd, de eleg kicsit hajokat lattam csak a part menten es mast se hallottam mint durva tengeribeteg sztorikat a kis hajobol torteno balnafigyelesrol, ugyhogy inkabb buvarkodni mentem (nem oxigenpalackos merules, hanem buvarszemuveg, pipa, bekatalp). Nem is bantam meg, nagyon szep volt a sziklak mentem korulnezni a tengerfeneken, rengeteg szines hal, tengeri csillag es nehany korall is volt; a legtobb korall ezen a kornyeken elhalt, ugyhogy nem ez a vilag legtutibb buvar helye, de azert en nagyon elveztem.
A szobam a strandon volt, par lepesre az oceantol es meg a szomszedos vendeghaz fabol es palmalevelbol keszult heverojet is hasznalhattuk. Reggelente napfelkeltet neztem, ejszaka pedig bementem a vizbe, beletettem a kezemet a vizbe es ahogy soportem a vizet, ezer csillogo plankton uszott a kezem utan :) Meg a csillagok az egen - ez volt a legnyugodtabb idom Sri Lankan.
first glimpse at the ocean / elso pillantas az oceanra |
fishermen's village / halaszfalu |
cricket / krikett |
sunrise / napkelte |
sunrise / napkelte |
looking at my room from the water / kilatas a szobamra a vizbol
az ember palmafara maszik; az egyetlen eszkoze a bokaja kore fogott vaszon / this guy climbs palm trees with only the help of a piece of linen around his ankles |
he's up there cutting down coconut / fent van a fan, vagdossa le a kokuszt |
he's posing now / itt most pozol |
fishermen in the morning drawing the net out / halaszok huzzak ki a halot reggel |
a small portion of the catch / a kapas egy elenyeszo resze |
Hindu temple / hindu templom |
sunrise / napkelte |